Joe Rindfleisch's SIZE 16 Rainbow Rubber Bands (Marcus Eddie - Green Pack ) by Joe Rindfleisch - Elastici
Joe Rindfleisch's SIZE 16 Rainbow Rubber Bands (Russell Leeds -Yellow ) by Joe Rindfleisch - Elastici
Joe Rindfleisch's SIZE 16 Rainbow Rubber Bands (Joe Rindfleisch - Red Pack) by Joe Rindfleisch - Elastici
Joe Rindfleisch's SIZE 16 Rainbow Rubber Bands (Combo Pack) - Elastici
SPLIT-CARD (Red) by Mickael Chatelain - Trick
Morrittissimo di Americo Rocchi - Monetomagia
Vortex Magic Presents Intuitive Destination by Philip Ryan - (Invisible Deck Postcards) - Trick
Philip Ryan has been performing his postcard routine for many years. In this version, you show the spectator a list of 30 countries -they have a COMPLETELY FREE CHOICE of any country. You then fan the postcards showing that their choice is the ONLY O
Vortex Magic Presents DESTINATION by Philip Ryan (Svengali Postcards) - Trick
RPG (Red) by Red Tsai x Horret Wu - Trick
RPG is strong and visual card magic. It's fast and has a huge impact on your audience. A spectator freely chooses a card. It's signed and lost back into the deck. The performer uses a common object (e.g., ring or coin) to "explode" the deck and revea
BLACK NOTE by Smagic Productions - Trick
BLACK NOTE - THE ULTIMATE MIND READING EFFECT. From the mind of Ninh, we have discovered and now offer a beautiful piece of mentalism. It's the easiest way to read anyone's mind. No more "nail writer," no more thumb tip, no more complex set up, no mo
Rocco's Prisma Lites SOUND Pair (Magic/White) - Trick
PRESALE NOTE:This item is available for Pre-Order only - RELEASE DATE:4/2/2019
Rocco's Prisma Lites SOUND Pair (Bug/Red) - Trick
PRESALE NOTE:This item is available for Pre-Order only - RELEASE DATE:4/2/2019
Rocco's Prisma Lites SOUND Single (Bug/Red) - Trick
PRESALE NOTE:This item is available for Pre-Order only - RELEASE DATE:4/2/2019
Rocco's Prisma Lites SOUND Single (Magic/Red) - Trick
PRESALE NOTE:This item is available for Pre-Order only - RELEASE DATE:4/2/2019
Rocco's Prisma Lites SOUND Pair (High Voltage/White) - Trick
Top Hat Show by Fantasma Magic - Trick
Rocco's Prisma Lites SOUND Pair (Magic/Red) - Trick
PRESALE NOTE:This item is available for Pre-Order only - RELEASE DATE:4/2/2019
Rocco's Prisma Lites SOUND Single (Bug/White) - Trick
PRESALE NOTE:This item is available for Pre-Order only - RELEASE DATE:4/2/2019
Modern Flap Card (Ace of Spades to 8 of Spades) by Hondo
The Flap Card was first introduced in 1922, in Professor R. Kunard's Book of Card Tricks. In the decades since, it has become a staple in the routines of magicians worldwide, used to produce all sorts of stunning effects. However, limitations of the
Soundproof Coins by G Sparks Magic - Trick
"Yeah works great and invisible, I fooled my friend the first time I did it." - Rocco Silano NO CLIPS NO MAGNETS NO TRICK COINS No SOUNDS Soundproof Coins allows you to perform a number of amazing effects with normal coins: 1. Appear and vanish multi
9H Refill Close-up Cardiographic by Martin Lewis - Trick
Banked - Black, Coke Zero (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by Taiwan Ben - Trick
Banked è un incredibile miglioramento dell'effetto Coin Through Bottle. Si prende in prestito una moneta da uno spettatore e poi la si fa passare visibilmente e istantaneamente attraverso il fondo di una qualsiasi bottiglia di plastica. Questa nuova versione dell'effetto non richiede bottiglie di vetro o "speciali", né alcuna manipolazione innaturale, ed è completamente esaminabile prima e dopo l'effetto. Potete finire il vostro drink (o prendere in prestito la loro bottiglia vuota), prendere in prestito una moneta e creare una magia istantanea!
Winner's Dice (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by Secret Factory
Winner's Dice is a normal-looking die that can force ANY NUMBER between 1 to 6. It uses a very special technology which makes our die fully examinable. The spectator can check the die and he can try throwing it to make sure the results are random. Bu
7D Refill Close-up Cardiographic by Martin Lewis - Trick
Grandpa Magic by Workman Publishing - Book
Screen Clean by Tenyo Magic - Trick
Sword Reward by Tenyo Magic - Trick
Una moneta (con un foro al centro) e un anello sono inseriti in una scatola trasparente. Una mini-spada viene posizionata attraverso la scatola intrappolando la moneta. In un attimo la moneta si è liberata e l'anello è intrappolato dalla spada!!! Impossibile!
NOTA: la moneta non è inclusa
Buyer's Remorse (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by Twister Magic - Trick
IVY ENVELOPE (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by Danny Weiser, Bond Lee and Magiclism Store
Aperture (Gimmick and Online Instructions) by Eric Jones and Tango Magic - Trick V0021
Bootlegs and B-Sides - Volume 3 by Sean Fields - DVD
Bootlegs & B-Sides Vol.3 contains Sean's innovative and commercial approaches to classic card plots, such as The 2 Card Transpo, The Stop Trick and The Ambitious Card. Within, Sean's vision of Card Warp, is worth the price of the DVD alone!
Bootlegs and B-Sides - Volume 2 by Sean Fields - DVD
Bootlegs & B-Sides Vol.2 contains Sean's innovative and commercial approaches to classic card plots, such as The Invisible Deck, The Card Prophesy and The 4 Card Production. Dotz, Sean's inspired interpretation of Mike Power's Holey Terror is worth the price of the DVD alone!
International Collection by Jay Sankey - DVD
A powerhouse collection of Jay's all-time favorite magic routines completely performed and explained COMPLETELY WITHOUT WORDS!
Bootlegs And B-Sides - Volume 1 by Sean Fields - DVD
Bootlegs & B-Sides Vol.1 contains Sean's innovative and commercial approaches to classic card plots, such as Twisting the Aces, Out of This World, and The Open Prediction. Ambition Impossible, Sean's INCREDIBLY visual Ambitious Card sequence is worth the price of the DVD alone
Half And Half - Volume 2 by Doug Brewer - DVD
Practical Magic for the Working Performer!
Stand-up and Be Counted Routine
- Coin Catch: How do magicians play catch? Based on Fred Kaps Coins & Silk routine. Simplified and amazing.
- Shell Fly: Not again! A super clean and logical extension of the previous routine.....
Half And Half - Volume 1 by Doug Brewer - DVD
Practical Magic for the Working Performer!
Ultimate (?) Wild Coin Routine
- History Production: A devilishly clever way to produce 3 coins while ringing in a gaff.
- Ultimate (?) Wildcoin: Doug's handling of the classic effect. 3 coins change one at a ...
Bubble Gum Magic by James Coats and Nicholas Byrd - Volume 2 - DVD
Byrd and Coats are known for their unique forms of magic. This magic duo has teamed up with Wrigley Jr. Co. to bring you one of the most unique forms of magic, BUBBLE GUM MAGIC. This DVD will teach you step-by-step how to perform hard hitting illusions with bubble gum.
One for The Money by Bill Goldman - DVD
If you only know one card trick this should be it!
This revolutionary trick brings one of the most effective plots in all of card magic within the reach of all performers of magic. The effect is a classic-the selected card is found at any number named by a spectator under test conditions
Got Chiclets? (Gimmick and Online Instructions) by Magik Time and Alex Aparicio presented by Mago Nox - Trick
Swift (Gimmicks and DVD) by Jofer Abata - Trick
Modern Flap Card (Red to Blue Face Card) by Hondo
Modern Flap Card (Blue to Red Face Card) by Hondo
TINT (Blue to Red/Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by Arief Nugroho
Wonder Pop by Gonçalo Gil and Danny Weiser produced by Gee Magic - Trick
Refill Close-up Cardiographic by Martin Lewis - Trick
Blistering (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by James Anthony - Trick
Kainoa on Coins: Trifecta - DVD
Band on Fire by Bacon Fire and Magic Soul - DVD
Backstab by Zak Mirzadeh (Online Instructions and Gimmick) - Carta pugnalata
Lo spettatore sceglie una carta e la perde nel mazzo. Con nient'altro che il vostro fidato coltello da tasca (o il coltello da tasca del vostro spettatore), pugnalate direttamente la carta selezionata per un miracoloso effetto "Carta al numero"!
Modern Flap Card to Box (Red) by UZ Hsieh
Looks like a camera trick, but it's REAL! A playing card visually turns into a card box - stunning! You can even place cards into the box! Modern Flap Card to Box is created by UZ Hsieh. The structure of the gimmick is based on Hondo's Modern Flap Ca