Skymember Presents Nova by Avi Yap - DVD
Volition (DVD and Gimmicks) by Steve Cook - DVD
Sharpie Through Bill by Alan Rorrison and SansMinds - DVD
Vortex Magic Presents VCM by Eric Chien
Rejoined by João Miranda Magic and Julio Montoro - Trick
Ash and Ember Silver Curved Size 14 (2 Rings) by Zach Heath - Trick
Ash and Ember Silver Curved Size 7 (2 Rings) by Zach Heath - Trick
Ash and Ember Gold Curved Size 7 (2 Rings) by Zach Heath - Trick
Ash and Ember Silver Beveled Size 13 (2 Rings) by Zach Heath - Trick
Ash and Ember Silver Beveled Size 14 (2 Rings) by Zach Heath - Trick
Ash and Ember Silver Beveled Size 7 (2 Rings) by Zach Heath - Trick
Ash and Ember Silver Curved Size 13 (2 Rings) by Zach Heath - Trick
Ash and Ember Gold Beveled Size 13 (2 Rings) by Zach Heath - Trick
Ash and Ember Gold Beveled Size 14 (2 Rings) by Zach Heath - Trick
Ash and Ember Gold Curved Size 13 (2 Rings) by Zach Heath - Trick
Water Crystal by Tenyo - Trick
Sucker Punch (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by Mark Southworth - Trick
Influence (Blue) by Mickael Chatelain - Trick
Thumbtipedia (DVD and Gimmick) by Vernet - DVD Falso Pollice
Rainbow Monte by Juan Pablo - Four Card Monte Colorato
Il mago mostra tre carte bianche e un Asso. Fa il monte e lo spettatore perde sempre. Alla fine dello spettacolo il mago mostra che c'erano tre Assi e una sola carta bianca.
Magnetic Scotch and Soda Poker Chips by Tango PK005 - Trick
Magnecap (Gimmick and Online Instructions) by Zihu - Trick
SION by John Bukowski - Trick
Fingers (Red) by Mickael Chatelin - Trick
Paradox Card (Red) by Mickael Chatelain - Trick
Vice (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by Jeff Prace - Trick
Vice permette di estrarre una semplice caramella tipo POLO, tenerla delicatamente tra le dita e spremerla lentamente fino a comprimerla e distorcerla.
A questo punto la maggior parte dei trucchi si ferma, ma con Vice potete distribuire immediatamente la mentina schiacciata come ricordo.
Lo spettatore può anche assaggiare la menta per verificare che sia vera!
Ambitious Chip (PK004) (Gimmick and Online Instructions) by Tango Magic - Trick
Joe Rindfleisch's Rainbow Rubber Bands (Combo Pack) - Elastici
Joe Rindfleisch's Legend Rubber Bands (Combo Pack) - Elastici
Joe Rindfleisch's Legend Bands: Yif Sky Blue Pack - Trick
Joe Rindfleisch's Legend Bands: Michael Ammar Mellow Yellow Pack - Trick
Joe Rindfleisch's Legend Bands: Shigeo Futagawa Bubble Gum Bands - Trick
Joe Rindfleisch's Legend Bands: Harry Lorayne Lime Green Pack - Trick
Hurricane (Euro) by KimTung Lin - Trick
Canvas (Euro) by KimTung Lin - Trick
Canvas (USD) by KimTung Lin - Trick
The Traveler (Gimmick and Online Instructions) by Jeff Copeland - Trick
Magnetic Poker Chip Red plus 3 regular chips (PK003R) by Tango Magic - Trick
Magnetic Poker Chip Blue plus 3 regular chips (PK003B) by Tango Magic - Trick
Expanded Shell Poker Chip Green plus 4 Regular Chips (PK001G) by Tango Magic - Trick
Magnetic Poker Chip Green plus 3 regular chips (PK003G) by Tango Magic - Trick
Expanded Shell Poker Chip Blue plus 4 Regular Chips (PK001B) by Tango Magic - Trick
Void (red) by Agus Tjiu - Trick
Token (DVD and Gimmick) by SansMinds Creative Lab - DVD
Paul Harris Presents Steam 2.0 by Ali Nouira - Trick
Trace of Thought (DVD and Props) by SansMinds Creative Lab - DVD
Camera Tricks (DVD and Gimmicks) by Casshan Wallace - DVD
Cornered (DVD and Gimmick Set) by SansMinds Creative Lab
Joe Rindfleisch's Executive Rubber Bands (B&W Combo) by Joe Rindfleisch - Elastici
Joe Rindfleisch's Executive Rubber Bands (B&W Combo) by Joe Rindfleisch - Elastici
Joe Rindfleisch's Executive Rubber Bands (Hondo - White Pack) by Joe Rindfleisch - Elastici
Joe Rindfleisch's Executive Rubber Bands (Hondo - White Pack) by Joe Rindfleisch - Elastici
Joe Rindfleisch's Executive Rubber Bands (Dan Hauss - Black Pack) by Joe Rindfleisch - Elastici
Joe Rindfleisch's Executive Rubber Bands (Dan Hauss - Black Pack) by Joe Rindfleisch - Elastici