Burning Connection 2.0 by Andy Amyx - Trick
Frye's Chips (DVD and Gimmicks) by Charlie Frye - DVD
Omni Pen by World Magic Shop - Trick
The OMNI PEN has a body and cap that have been custom molded from clear, scratch resistant acrylic. It is completely interchangeable with a normal Sharpie style pen. This means that a normal Sharpie cap will fit on the OMNI PEN and vice versa.
Stand Up Monte (Jumbo Index) DVD and Gimmick by Garrett Thomas and Kozmomagic -DVD
Simon Lovell's Second to None: The Art of Second Dealing by Meir Yedid - Book
Linkey (includes all Gimmicks) by Alan Rorrison and Titanas Magic - DVD
Cover the Spot by Ian Kendall and Alan Wong - Trick
Risky Bet (Red) (US Currency, Gimmick and VCD) by Henry Evans
Solitary by Cameron Francis and Paper Crane Magic - DVD
Collateral by Diamond Jim Tyler (DVD W/ Gimmicks)- DVD
Stand Up Monte (DVD and Gimmick) by Garrett Thomas and Kozmomagic - DVD
Martin A. Nash's Infinity & Beyond - DVD
3 Dominoes Monte by Vernet - Trick
Stargazer by Alan Wong and JB Magic - DVD
World's Greatest Magic: The Last Word on Three Card Monte Vol. 1 by L&L Publishing - DVD
35 Years of Cheating, Fighting, and Fun (2 DVD Set) by Richard Turner - DVD
Live In Action (2 DVD Set) by Paul Gordon - DVD
DiaMonte (DVD and Cards) by Diamond Jim Tyler - DVD
Souvenir Linking Loverbands (20 link, 10 single, DVD) by Alan Wong - Tricks
Bamboozlers Vol. 1 by Diamond Jim Tyler - Book
Magic Castle Performance Vol. 6 Live by Ed Ellis - DVD
World's Greatest Magic: Magic with Business Cards - DVD
Golden Shells by Bob Kohler - DVD
Magic Menu: Vol 6 through 10 - Book
Magic Menu: Years 1 through 5 - Book
Las Vegas Card Miracles by Allan Ackerman - DVD
The Castle Routine by Ed Ellis - VOL.5 DVD
Loops Vol. 1 & Vol. 2 (Deluxe 2 DVD Set) by Yigal Mesika & Finn Jon - DVD
In questo set di DVD unico nel suo genere, ospitato da Luna Shimada, per la prima volta insieme, i maestri maghi Finn Jon e Yigal Mesika, svelano i segreti meglio custoditi sull'utilizzo dei loop.
Imparate in prima persona, dal Creatore e Innovatore di questo versatile e potente apparato come eseguire facilmente effetti impossibili usando oggetti normali e quotidiani. Se avete mai desiderato creare l'illusione di avere "poteri soprannaturali" in grado di ipnotizzare il pubblico più esigente, ecco i segreti.
Restaurant Worker's Handbook by Jim Pace & Jerry Macgregor - Book
Bammo Monte Monster by Bob Farmer - Trick
sigaretta attraverso la moneta Two Sides 1 Euro by Tango - Trick (E0063)
Heiny 500 by Karl Hein - DVD
sigaretta attraverso la moneta Quarter (2 sided)(D0075) by Tango - Trick
Ultimate Card Sessions - Volume 3 - Ultimate Poker Edition - DVD
Weapons Of The Card Shark Vol. 2 by Jeff Wessmiller - DVD
Best Of The Bottoms (2 DVD Set) by Richard Turner - DVD
sigaretta attraverso la moneta Half Dollar (One Sided) (D0014)by Tango -
Very Best of Martin Nash Volume 2 by L&L Publishing - DVD
In Action Volume 3 by Gregory Wilson - DVD
In Action Volume 2 by Gregory Wilson - DVD
Business Card Miracles by Michael Ammar - DVD
Intro to the Shell Game: Volume One by Bob Sheets and Whit Hadyn - DVD
Rubberband Vol 2 by Dan Harlan - DVD Elastici
Rubberband Vol 3 by Dan Harlan - DVD Elastici