John Bannon's Bullet Trilogy (Includes Bullet After Dark, Bullet Party, Fire When Ready and Paint it Blank Project) - Trick
Limited Edition Cherry Casino (Monte Carlo Black and Gold) Numbered Seals Playing Cards by Pure Imagination Projects
Cardistry x Calligraphy Golden Foil Limited Edition Playing Cards
That Deaf Guy RED Cardinal Edition Playing Cards
GRAVITY REEL by Joao Miranda - Trick
Costruito da zero pensando a chi lavora nel close-up, Gravity Reel è più di una bobina: è uno strumento per la vostra immaginazione.
Limited (Gold Edition) 1st Run Golden Spike Deck by Jody Eklund
Spectro Slates with SpooKIT - Lavagne Spiritiche Magnetiche Kit by Strixmagic
Lavagne Spiritiche Magnetiche
Limited Edition Butterfly Playing Cards (Black and White) by Ondrej Psenicka
Limited Edition Butterfly Playing Cards Marked (Black and White) by Ondrej Psenicka
Bullet Three Shell Game by Leo Smetsers - Trick
Limited Edition False Anchors 2 Playing Cards by Ryan Schlutz
Virtuoso P1 Limited Edition Playing Cards
We are so excited to announce that we are getting this amazing deck, but only a small limited amount. With that Virtuoso allowed us to pre-order our stock that we will be receiving! Although this deck isn't supposed to ship until December 2020/Januar
Virtuoso di Riccardo Negroni - Edizione ITALIANA Limitata, Numerata e Autografata
Crujir Playing Cards by Area 52
Kings Wild Americanas Murphy's Magic LTD Edition by Jackson Robinson
Fort NOC (GOLD) Playing Cards
Skymember Presents I³/III Playing Cards by Austin Ho and The One
Ultimate Self Working Card Tricks Triple Volume Box Set by Big Blind Media - DVD
Limited Edition Omni Coin Japanese version (DVD and Gimmicks) by SansMinds Creative Lab - Trick
Vanishing Crayons Deluxe (wood) by Strixmagic - SPARIZIONE PASTELLI COLORATI
Aprite il cofanetto e fate notare come al suo interno vi siano dei grandi pastelli bianchi...
Ma per poter realizzare le vostre magie avrete bisogno dei colori, i colori dell'arcobaleno, della fantasia
Skymember Presents Ancient Egypt Playing Cards by Calvin Liew and Arise Art Studio
The DARK NOC (Limited) Playing Cards
Ring Playing Cards by Galaxy Playing Card
Expert at the Card Table - Libro + DVDs + Bonus
Si prega di tenere a mente anche che i segreti contenuti in questi volumi hanno il potenziale per farvi ottenere ingenti somme di denaro, siamo fortemente contrari a utilizzarli per tali scopi.
Questo set è esclusivamente per scopi di intrattenimento.
Il libro è incluso nel set!
Bonus Magic: Sal Piacente's Expert Card Magic Vol. 1 & 2 Digital Access Pass
Warrior Card Armour (Card Clip) by Kings & Crooks
Limited Edition Wolfram V2 Rouge et Noir Playing Cards Collection Set
Limited Edition POP CAMO Playing Cards by Riffle Shuffle
Limited Edition Turning Japanese Playing Cards by Craig Maidment
Playing Arts Edition One Playing Cards
From the 2 of Clubs to the Ace of Spades, each card in this deck has been individually designed by one of the 55 selected international artists in his distinct style and technique. "Using a familiar process whereby I let the materials dictate the pie
Razor Blades Illusion Limited Ed. by Strixmagic - Lamette
Un must classico intramontabile.
In questa nostra versione vengono utilizzate ben 8 lamette!
Edizione Limitata. Solo 5 pezzi prodotti
Silver Dragon (Standard Edition) Playing Cards by Craig Maidment
Limited Edition Peacocks Playing Cards by Rocsana Thompson
Live like a Peacock! This beautiful limited-edition deck, the debut deck by creator Rocsana (featuring additional artwork by UK designer Phill Smith), is based on the shimmering elegance of the peacock. Printed by USPCC on their premium stock, the de
Technique V2 Playing Cards by Chris Severson
Angry Pussies by De'vo vom Schattenreich and Handlordz
Limited Edition Untitled Playing Cards by Adam Borderline
My Magic Life (Limited/Out of Print) by David Devant - Book
A Magic Variety Show (Limited/Out of Print) by Eric Hawkesworth - Book
Puppet Shows to Make (Limited/Out of Print) by Eric Hawkesworth - Book
Magic as Entertainment (Limited/Out of Print) by Harold Taylor - Book
A Pocketful of Miracles (Limited/Out of Print) by Hugh Miller - Book
Conjuring (Limited/Out of Print) by Eric Hawkesworth - Book
Television Puppet Magic (Limited/Out of Print) by Ian Adair - Book
Rag Picture Shows (Limited/Out of Print) by Eric Hawkesworth - Book
Mainly Manipulative Magic (Limited/Out of Print) by John Alborough - Book
Profit at the Party (Limited/Out of Print) by David Hallett - Book
Profit at the Party, by David Hallett,
è un libro fantastico che contiene attività e spunti di business per gli spettacoli per bambini. Sono inclusi anche consigli di marketing che sono ancora validi nel mondo di oggi.
Se fate magia per bambini, questo libro è davvero imperdibile! Quantità limitata disponibile.