Conundrum - Issue 2A curiosity-filled magazine for the discerning magicianNo ads100 pagesJust MagicConundrum is a Montreal-based independent magazine for magicians by the husband-and-wife team of Marc Trudel and Sophie-Anne Vachon. Conundrum aims to
Conundrum Issue 1A curiosity-filled magazine for the discerning magician!Here They Come - The guys from Big Trick Energy on reinventing magic and having your bro's back. Conundrum's first issue with magic by Ernest Earick Chris Ramsay Daniel Garcia E
GENII THE CONJURORS' MAGAZINE VOLUME 83 NUMBER 10October 2020 FEATURES A Halloween Celebration by Steve BryantPoems for a Dark and Stormy NightBeyond the Final Houdini SeanceThe Movie Night Five- Minute SeanceCrypt-OgraphyThe Room with Thread in Its
GENII THE CONJURORS' MAGAZINE VOLUME 83 NUMBER 4April 2020 FEATURES Master Payne: Medievalizing the Future by Jonathan Friedman COLUMNS Genii Speaks by Richard Kaufman Now PerformingThe Eye by Chloe Olewitz The Chamber of SecretsFrench Cannonball Vas
GENII THE CONJURORS' MAGAZINE VOLUME 82 NUMBER 3 March 2019 FEATURE The Education of Guy Hollingworth by Dustin Stinett COLUMNS Genii Speaks by Richard Kaufman In Memoriam: Denny Haney by Brian Wendell Morton A Year of Fun and Living Dangerously by G
GENII THE CONJURORS' MAGAZINE VOLUME 82 NUMBER 2 FEBRUARY 2019 FEATURES Everybody Loves Jen Kramer by Chloe Olewitz From Stage to Page: The Millionaires' Magician Graphic Novel by Steve Cohen The International Association of Black Magical Artists' Se
GENII THE CONJURORS' MAGAZINE VOLUME 82 NUMBER 1 JANUARY 2019 FEATURES NICK DIFFATTE: "I Just Want to Make Good Art" by Elliott Terral RICKY JAY: ON THE STEM Faces, Facets, & Figments by Jon Racherbaumer Tenyo 2019 by Richard Kaufman COLUMNS Geni
GENII THE CONJURORS' MAGAZINE VOLUME 81 NUMBER 9 September 2018 FEATURES Eric Jones: One Shot by Dustin Stinett The Forgotten Edward G. Brown by Andi Gladwin COLUMNS Genii Speaks by Richard Kaufman In Memoriam: Brian Gillis The Eye by Todd Karr Now P
GENII THE CONJURORS' MAGAZINE VOLUME 81 NUMBER 3 MARCH 2018 FEATURES Randy Sinnott: Battle to Battle by Jim Steinmeyer Mac and the Bear by Mike Weatherford COLUMNS Genii Speaks by Richard Kaufman Now Performing The Eye by Todd Karr On the Slant by Jo
CONTENTSSEPTEMBER 2015VOLUME 25NUMBER 13Asparagus Valley Cultural SocietyBy Nicky Ramos-Beban and David CoxForty years ago, a team was formed from a magician, a juggler, and a musician. Teller, Penn Jillette, and Wier Chrisemer joined together to bec
CONTENTSAUGUST 2015VOLUME 24NUMBER 12Ben Seidman: And the Winner IsBy Rory JohnstonFrom touring with his comedy magic and pickpocketing, to consulting and performing on high-profile television shows, to being named Princess Cruise Lines Entertainer o
GeniiTHE CONJURORS' MAGAZINEVOLUME 78NUMBER 6 JUNE 2015FEATURESStan Allen: Seeing and Doingby Dustin StinettCOLUMNSGenii Speaks by Richard KaufmanOn the Slant by Jon RacherbaumerNow PerformingIn Memoriam Fr. Cyprian Murray by Eric DecampsEugene's Not
TV Magic in RealityBy Alan HowardIn the last quarter of the 20th century, the arrival of a magic special on television was not a common occurrence. Most were annual events, with few other magic shows to be seen nationally on a regular basis. Now ther
FEATURESMasters of Illusion by Dustin StinettComedy and Magic Society by Cila WarnckeA Gardner Centennial by Max MavenCOLUMNSGenii Speaks by Richard KaufmanIn MemoriamJoan Carroll Spina by David OliverRonald A. Wohl by Roberto GiobbiNow PerformingOn
CONTENTS: Xavier Mortimer: Young MasterBy Rory JohnstonHe's a magician, musician, juggler, dancer, mime, and more. Currently appearing with Cirque du Soleil in Las Vegas, French entertainer Xavier Mortimer is a "Jacques of all trades," and he's alway
FEATURESCHINAKozmo gives us a behind the scenes look at the performance tour 5 Fism winners took through China.COLUMNSJon Armstrong - SessionsLos Angeles Part 2: Jon and his friends discuss the Himber Vanish.Banachek - SubtletiesBanachek discusses th
Feature: Kostya Kimlat Continuum Andrew Pinard and continuum returns with Kostya Kimlat! kostya talks about designing magic tricks and asks "who cares?" Reviews: David Regal Tricks of the Trade A lot of tricks with a big BUT! BUT! BUT! Wayne Kawamoto
FeatureMark Mason talks with Kozmo about his childhood and how magic changed his life Reviews David Regal Tricks of the Trade Tools you can use! Wayne Kawamoto Choice CutsReviews some very aggressive magic ColumnsBanachek SubtletiesNew columnist Bana