Ambitious Chip (PK004) (Gimmick and Online Instructions) by Tango Magic - Trick
Great Big Fat Sidewalk Shuffle by Martin Lewis
Si articola in tre fasi. Le prime due sono simili, ma con variazioni nella gestione. La terza fase ha un finale inaspettato, "knock-out".
Nelle prime due fasi vengono mostrate tre carte bianche e un asso. Una carta bianca viene messa da parte a faccia in giù e l'asso viene messo tra le altre due carte bianche. Uno spettatore non riesce a trovare l'asso perché le tre carte vengono mostrate una per una come bianche e l'asso è sul tavolo.
La terza volta lo spettatore di solito indovina che l'asso è sul tavolo. Ma viene mostrato che in realtà si tratta di una carta bianca, e le carte in mano si rivelano TUTTI ASSI!
Loaded Dice (Weighted, Wood, Black) - Dadi Bilanciati 5 e 2
TUC Poker Chip Red plus 3 regular chips (PK002R) by Tango Magic - Trick
Magnetic Poker Chip Red plus 3 regular chips (PK003R) by Tango Magic - Trick
TUC Poker Chip Blue plus 3 regular chips (PK002B) by Tango Magic - Trick
Magnetic Poker Chip Blue plus 3 regular chips (PK003B) by Tango Magic - Trick
Expanded Shell Poker Chip Green plus 4 Regular Chips (PK001G) by Tango Magic - Trick
Magnetic Poker Chip Green plus 3 regular chips (PK003G) by Tango Magic - Trick
Expanded Shell Poker Chip Blue plus 4 Regular Chips (PK001B) by Tango Magic - Trick
Single Forcing Die (5) by Diamond Jim Tyler - Trick
Single Forcing Die (6) by Diamond Jim Tyler - Trick
Single Forcing Die (2) by Diamond Jim Tyler - Trick
Single Forcing Die (1) by Diamond Jim Tyler - Trick
Single Forcing Die (3) by Diamond Jim Tyler - Trick
Single Forcing Die (4) by Diamond Jim Tyler - Trick
Whiteboard Monte by Leo Smetsers - Trick
Solid 3 Shell Game by Leo Smetsers - Trick
Expanded Shell Poker Chip Red plus 4 Regular Chips (PK001R) by Tango magic - Trick
BETCHA! (How to Win Free Drinks for Life) by Simon Lovell - Book
The False Shuffles and Cuts Project by Liam Montier and Big Blind Media - DVD
Winning Spinning Nickels (two pack) by Diamond Jim Tyler - Trick
World's Greatest Magic: Gambling Routines With Cards Vol 1 - DVD
World's Greatest Magic: Gambling Routines Vol 2 - DVD
World's Greatest Magic: Gambling Routines With Cards Vol 3 - DVD
Forcing Dice Set by Diamond Jim Tyler - Trick
Frye's Chips (DVD and Gimmicks) by Charlie Frye - DVD
Stand Up Monte (Jumbo Index) DVD and Gimmick by Garrett Thomas and Kozmomagic -DVD
Simon Lovell's Second to None: The Art of Second Dealing by Meir Yedid - Book
Cover the Spot by Ian Kendall and Alan Wong - Trick
Risky Bet (Red) (US Currency, Gimmick and VCD) by Henry Evans
Stand Up Monte (DVD and Gimmick) by Garrett Thomas and Kozmomagic - DVD
Martin A. Nash's Infinity & Beyond - DVD
3 Dominoes Monte by Vernet - Trick
World's Greatest Magic: The Last Word on Three Card Monte Vol. 1 by L&L Publishing - DVD
35 Years of Cheating, Fighting, and Fun (2 DVD Set) by Richard Turner - DVD
Award Winning Card Magic (5 DVD Set) by Martin Nash - DVD
DiaMonte (DVD and Cards) by Diamond Jim Tyler - DVD
Bicycle Clay Poker Chip Set: 100 Count
The Last Monte by Harry Anderson - Trick
Scoundrels Touch (2 DVD Set) by Sheets, Hadyn and Anton- DVD
Perfect Peas (RED) by Whit Hayden and Chef Anton's School for Scoundrels - Trick
Perfect Peas (WHITE) by Whit Hayden and Chef Anton's School for Scoundrels - Trick
Bamboozlers Vol. 1 by Diamond Jim Tyler - Book
Golden Shells by Bob Kohler - DVD
Bammo Monte Monster by Bob Farmer - Trick
Ultimate Card Sessions - Volume 3 - Ultimate Poker Edition - DVD
Weapons Of The Card Shark Vol. 2 by Jeff Wessmiller - DVD
Best Of The Bottoms (2 DVD Set) by Richard Turner - DVD
Golden Shells trick
Over six months in the making, Whit Haydn and Chef Anton have created the perfect shells for any Three Shell Game routine. Including design enhancements and tips from real working pros like Chanin, Eddie Joseph and others, these shells are perfectly